"….the talent with which she expresses her personal musical world, her nuances,
finesse and inner joy are extremely moving.
First we are surprised, then follows respect and finally admiration.’’
-Danielle Ribouillaut- ‘’Les Cahiers de la Guitare’’, France.
"...rigorous discipline and sheer determination allowed her to face obstacles
that one could arguably have deemed impossible to surmount.
In the actual guitar world,
her name is synonymous with artistic integrity,
courage and personal success."
-Oscar Ghiglia, Basel, Switzerland.
“She was at my summer course this year in Italy, just after having won the
first prize in the René Bartoli competition. She plays like an angel and I
have never given classes to more a sensitive musician, able to absorb
instantly even the most subtle interpretative suggestion.
As for technique, she is outstanding.”
-Angelo Gilardino
Composer and Editor
The Artistic Director of the "Andrés Segovia" Foundation of Spain.

